ALBUM: Blonde
This is the first album I ever released. “Blonde”. Kinda random at first glance, but actually I was in a band and we were called “Naked Blonde”. Now as you can tell, a name like that may raise a couple of eyebrows…and it did....
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Covers, Jams, Live Stuff, Rough Drafts, Unfinished Tunes, Alternate Versions, Memories, etc.
A place to put extra content! Fun things that aint gonna be on one of our major albums....
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Transcendence - Backing Tracks
Genre: Rock
This is the backing track version of the Transcendence album...
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Skull & Bones (Halloween Version)
Skull & Bones (Halloween Version)
October brings out another side of my playing that captures my roots. I love this time of year and October is my favorite month. I wanted to do something for Halloween and this is one of...
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Inside the Lion's Throat
Genres: Alternative, Ambient
My greatest fear when I’m packing in wilderness areas is encountering a mountain lion. I know how to avoid lightning, and am good at hanging my food to avoid bear encounters. I don’t travel in highly populated grizzly...
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ALBUM: Fetus
Genres: R&B, Alternative
The word “fetus”, coming from the Latin means, small child. I think every artist-or unborn child in the womb for that matter, starts off simply as that: a “small child”, that grows into the man or woman that God created them...
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PRAXIS I :(Naked) Blonde
Praxis: "Practice, as distinguished from theory. Accepted practice or custom"(Oxford Languages). In essence,applying what you know to action.That can feel like utter garbagge sometimes, but just do it. God digs it when we do...
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Light Speed (Steven Volpp Remix)
Genres: Rock, Guitar Rock
Steven Volpp wanted to do something special with one of my songs and the song he picked was Light Speed from the record Somebody. Not only did he create a remix but Steven also provided the thunderous drums throughout the...
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PRAXIS II: Bomb N' Blonde
In a previous album description (Blonde), I spoke about a band split over a name? Not the first time, but the second time of course and this time it was because I wanted to change it, rather than keep it (first reason for...
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Genres: R&B, Alternative
These are recordings taken from my old bands practice sessions (Blonde). When I say “old band”, I mean the band that got back together after our split (because of The Grace of God through the kindness of an old...
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Here is the fourth installment of the PRAXIS series “Solo (PRAXIS) IV”; applying what we know (what I know in this case) into practice. Solo.
Around the time I had procured my band “Blonde” and we were “makin’ it”, playing...
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Small Bites
Genres: Alternative, Ambient
Small Bites is a collection of little experimental bits which I'm hoarding for use in longer pieces. For my notes on how and why I wrote this strange little Pretzel Focaccia, click here....
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Elk (ln The Mist)
Genres: Alternative, Ambient
For a description of how and why I wrote this, please click on the three dots to the right of the title, Elk, then View Details....
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LIVE: Sound Collective: Speakeasy Junction Pt.I
Sound Collective: Speakeasy Junction Pt.I
This is Pt.1 (Sound Collective: Speakeasy Junction) of practice session recordings in preparation for “Sound Collectives” exclusive artist series called, “Speakeasy Junction”. These...
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Life in a Pandemic
Genres: Instrumental, Ambient
This is a collection of "stubborn songs" and "old friends." Those ideas that you work on but never quite get into that groove, or it evolves into something you don’t like. So you put it down, and work on it another day. And...
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The Drought
Genres: Instrumental, Ambient
Taking solo bass into the realm of soundscapes and South Indian music, the combination of Jonathan Moody and Jen Tonon fuses a wide variety of genres and cultures together for an inventive EP.
Released April 3,...
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Genres: Instrumental, Ambient
A collection of darker, more contemplative tunes, involving effects and a looping pedal.
Released February 14, 2020
Recorded live at Overneath Creative, in Kalamazoo, MI...
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Music For Our Hands, vol. III - Chandelier
Genres: Instrumental, Ambient
Jonathan Moody - Hilton Workhorse 5 string fretted (1, 3, 4), Eastwood Airline MAP 4 string fretted (2, 5)
Dennis Morehouse - Drums (1, 4)</br /> Anabel dFlux - Photo Recorded & Engineered by Jason Achilles...
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Dennis Morehouse - Drums (1, 4)</br /> Anabel dFlux - Photo Recorded & Engineered by Jason Achilles...
Music For Our Hands, vol. II - A Little Insomnia
Genres: Instrumental, Ambient
"Don’t let the signature bow tie and Buddy Holly glasses fool you.... under this Clark Kent-like exterior lies a rock n roll heart! In a world full of show-off, technique for technique sake solo bass records, it’s refreshing...
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Music For Our Hands
Genres: Instrumental, Ambient
Solo album featuring the electric bass in an unaccompanied format.
released June 1, 2016
Recorded 3/17/16 at Overneath Creative Collective, Kalamazoo MI
Recorded/Mixed by Gordon Van Gent
Mastered by Garrett...
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Recorded/Mixed by Gordon Van Gent
Mastered by Garrett...
Sinister Ants (1990)
Genres: Alternative, Ambient
These three little pieces were written back in 1990 on my Ensoniq sampling keyboard with it's tiny 3 x 6 cm screen for the onboard recording sequencer. (In other words--this was before my computer, Cubase, sound effect...
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LIVE: Sound Collective: Speakeasy-Giggle Water Juntion Pt.II
This is Pt. II of Sound Collectives Speakeasy series, “Giggle Water Junction”. This was a really great show! Video & audio was uploaded to YouTube, but got flagged...
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