Waltz of Bones (Dry Bones) Mastered

Genres: R&B, Blues
This is a mastered version of Waltz of Bones. God bless you☝️ Initially when I had written this song (5 or so years ago) I had a vastly different understanding of the biblical doctrine of salvation. I had believed like most...
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An Evening Like This (Mastered)

Genres: R&B, Blues
This is a mastered version of An Evening Like This. God bless you☝️ An Evening Like This I went through a pretty rough patch in my early twenties. I was having a hard time because I just got out of a sinful relationship...
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Wild Man (Mastered)

Genres: R&B, Blues
This is a mastered version of “Wild Man”. I hope it smacks. God bless you☝️ This song is a single off of the album, "I,Sinner", a concept album codifying my testimony from death to life in Christ Jesus; chronicling the...
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