Charlotte Dreams of Winnowing

A snipe is a bird which has the wonderful ability to soar down through the sky, making the air “winnow” through his tail feathers, producing a wonderful hu-hu-hu-hu-hu.  He will make huge loops over and over, supposedly to...
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Practice Room Jams II

Genres: Rock, Ambient
Practice Room Jams II Here we go again! New Practice Room Jams II for you. I often record my practice jams and thought it would be a great idea to share them with you. These recordings provide a glimpse into my practice...
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The Evening Visitor

All of the sounds you here are from a bird call I recorded one evening from my window.  I never heard it after that one time.  For program notes and then technical details, please click here....
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Performance of Living With My Donkeys

William Scharnberg played a great performance of the entire set at the International Horn Symposium, summer 2024.  The recording we got wasn't the greatest, so I'm in the process of remastering that.  So some of the pieces...
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Living With My Donkeys HORN VERSION

This is the Donkey Bray part for "Living With My Donkeys, for Horn and Donkey Bray."   Contact me if you'd like a copy of the score and accompanying sounds on CD, MP3 or Card.  Click here to see how I composed these...
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Sprites (1990)

These early (1990) pieces were composed on my EPS Ensoniq sampling keyboard, using only the sounds of Sprite pop cans jangling together, a small drum and a small tubular bell.  I used a small 4-track cassette tape recorder to...
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The Practice Room

Genres: Rock, Ambient
 I like to record my practice jams from time to time and thought it would be a great idea to share them with you. Here you get a glimpse at what goes on during my practice time. Some of these jams are complete meditations and...
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Take Your Medicine

For notes on how I used the "pop" of the plastic cork of these two bottles to create this music, click here....
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Coyote Songs

When I was in the mountains I heard the most incredible coyote song.  It echoed across the mountain valleys I was camped above, and off the canyon walls.  Surely the coyotes knew what a wonderful place that was to sing.  All...
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Our Great Friend Nook

Nook the Magnificent Sheep was a 4-hour old bum lamb when he went to live with Savanah Salisbury, a young 4-H student.  For the first 6 months of his life, he lived in town, and became the darling of the neighborhood, going...
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Life in a Pandemic

This is a collection of "stubborn songs" and "old friends." Those ideas that you work on but never quite get into that groove, or it evolves into something you don’t like. So you put it down, and work on it another day. And...
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Wintering Well

All the sounds you hear are from various pieces of frozen things around the farm, enduring a 30 below winter....  For notes about this set of pieces, click here.               ...
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Living With My Donkeys STAND ALONE VERSION

This recently received the International Alliance of Women in Music Honorable Mention for the Pauline Oliveros New Genre Prize.  This is the Stand-Alone Version.  Click here for the Donkey Bray part for the Horn Version. You...
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Just a spare-of-the-moment live jam. I put a basic Em/D progression into the Boss RC-5 Loop Station and just went for it. The guitar is a Fender American Professional II Strat. The amp is a Soldano SLO30. I also used the...
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Bo & Theo Welcome Warren to Heaven

Soon after my first two dogs died of old age, my father died.  A thoughtful theologian, I doubt if he believed in a heaven, but somehow the title seemed ok....   I remastered this piece I wrote way back in 1994.  This used a...
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I Glimpse The Cliffs

Genre: Ambient
All the sounds you hear are from a tiny cymbal I have.  For a description of how I wrote these pieces, please click here....
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Sweet Ghosts

All the sounds you hear are from recordings I made from my farm.  To see how I did that, plus see some fantastic pictures of my dear animals, click here....
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A Frog's World of Love

I was reading an article about Arnold Lobel and his Toad and Frog books from The New Yorker by Colin Stokes when, strangely at the same time, my friend Mark sent me some sounds of frogs he had heard on a walk in his Iowa...
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Sinister Ants (1990)

These three little pieces were written back in 1990 on my Ensoniq sampling keyboard with it's tiny 3 x 6 cm screen for the onboard recording sequencer.  (In other words--this was before my computer, Cubase, sound effect...
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The Rhubarb Stalks

My sister, pictured here with rhubarb from her garden, tapped out a couple sounds on those rhubarb flower stalks for me.  All the sounds you hear in "The Rhubarb Run" are from that initial tapping (which you can hear in the...
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Music For Our Hands, vol. II - A Little Insomnia

"Don’t let the signature bow tie and Buddy Holly glasses fool you.... under this Clark Kent-like exterior lies a rock n roll heart! In a world full of show-off, technique for technique sake solo bass records, it’s refreshing...
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