Photo Albums
26 photos
Here are some pictures of my personal pedalboards that I've put together over the years. I will also include a few pedalboards that I've built for friends as well. I wish I had more for you but this is all I could...
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Th Guitar Yard!
158 photos
Over the years I've taken photos of guitars that I've owned and thought I would share them with you. I still have one or two of these beauties but unfortunately, if I wanted a new guitar I had to sell one, so I couldn't build...
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Gear Stuff!
120 photos
Just some photos of gear that I used over the years. Some stuff I still have and some of it is long gone.
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Albums and 8 Tracks
22 photos
Strolling down memory lane here. Believe it or not, I still have most of my album and 8 track collection. What a great time to be around music. Just going to the local record store and roaming the isles for new music or...
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