What is Reward Music?
What is Reward Music?
Reward Music is a game changing music platform. It was created to meet and exceed the needs of artists in the new age of the music industry. A Reward Music powered artist site is a turn-key business solution that allows artists to own and operate their personally curated service industry. Change has arrived and it’s time for your music to thrive.
“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change” - Albert Einstein
How can Reward Music help me?
Enabling paying customers to engage with everything that excites them without ever having to leave your place of business to make a purchase, is the holy grail of business goals. Reward Music was built that way from the ground up and it’s ready for artists of every genre to display their best work.
“To receive guests is to take charge of their happiness during the entire time they are under your roof.” - Brillat Savarin
Can Reward Music help me make more money?
Yes! Our goal is to make artists more money than anywhere else! We’ve leveled the playing field and shut out the interference. Once connected to their Reward Music powered site, artists will directly receive 100% of their sales. 100% transparent accounting, in real time.
As an added benefit, Reward Music makes it easy for fans to find their favorite artists’ best work and helps artists reward their core fans.
“A place for everything, everything in its place.” - Benjamin Franklin
What other ways can Reward Music help me?
Besides making them more money, Reward Music helps artists visualize the path to their core fans and the benefits of doing more for them.
For example, why cast a wide net hoping to make 1 dollar from a million fans who haven’t received your personalized attention, when you can visualize earning 100 dollars from 10,000 fans who are able to receive a highly curated experience from you? The resulting financial gain is the same, but the path to realization is completely different.
Reward Music helps artists provide a deeper experience for their core fans, which helps earn respect, inspire engagement, and create broader revenue from a smaller amount of people.
“The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work unless it’s open” - Frank Zappa
Does Reward Music take a percentage of my income?
No! Reward Music is here to help artists thrive while navigating the uncharted territory of the modern music industry.
“What we need is more people who specialize in the impossible.” - Theodore Roethke
What’s the catch? How does Reward Music make money?
There is no catch. We make our money selling bandwidth.
Reward Music is the channel for artists to display their fully stocked merchandise and broadcast their complete catalog of audio and video content to their fans, in the easiest way possible.
Reward Music never touches an artist’s money or the data they generate. We challenge you to find a company that can match all of the features Reward Music offers while operating their terms of service agreement as HUMANE TECHNOLOGY!
“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi